Scheme Rules

Scheme Rules

Scheme Rules
The rules of the certification scheme are as follows:
This document sets out the rules of the Farm Data Principles certification scheme (“Scheme”).
The Scheme is owned and overseen by Farm Data Principles Ltd (“FDP”) and is operated by
Communagator Ltd (“Operator”) on FDP’s behalf.
The rules may be updated from time to time and the latest version will appear on the Farm
Data Principles website.
The rules should be read and interpreted in conjunction with:
● Data Handler’s Statement
● Complaints and Disputes Procedure
● Certification Licence Agreement.
Organisations wishing to become certified must demonstrate their alignment to the Farm Data Principles principles (“Principles”). These are set out below:
The Data Originator, normally the farmer, owns and controls the data.
The Data Originator can access, edit, delete, and migrate data easily.
Data is not accessed or stored without explicit opt-in permission.
Data is not shared or sold without explicit opt-in permission.
The identity of the parties involved in processing the data is established and recorded.
Simple naming conventions are adopted and common across the organisation’s tools.
Organisations allow systems to share data where appropriate, using best practice and conventions.
There is a proactive approach to providing training on data and data use, appropriate to the Certified Organisation's data users.
The Certified Organisation is accessible and responsive to requests, instructions, or complaints.
Appropriate data security standards for an organisation’s activities are adopted, and there is a clear explanation of why such standards are appropriate.
There are processes in place to maintain security of users’ data in the unlikely event of a data breach.
The security of users’ data is essential
Appropriate data security standards for an organisation’s activities are adopted, and there is a clear explanation of why it is appropriate.
There are processes in place to maintain security of users’ data in the unlikely event of a data breach
From the outset the raw data being used is listed and explanation is provided as to how it is used.
The value generated by the data sharing is explained and who benefits.
We clearly explain how we aggregate data, and what value it generates, and to whom.
Value will sometimes be monetary, and other times will be actionable insights
There is clear explanation from the outset regarding what raw data is used and how; and where value is generated, it is clear what that value is and who benefits
We clearly explain how we aggregate data, and what value it generates, and to whom
A self-declared Data Handler’s Statement (“Statement”) is what demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to the Principles.
The process for certification is:
An organisation (“Applicant”) applies to become certified.
The Applicant receives a welcome pack containing links to:
Statement template to complete
Complaints and Disputes Procedure
Certification Licence Agreement (“Licence”)
The Applicant completes the Statement and submits it to the Operator.
The Operator reviews the Statement and checks it for completeness and intelligibility. This includes checking the Applicant has provided sufficient evidence in support of its yes/no answers.
The Operator marks each answer on the Statement as Pass, Pending or Fail on the following basis:
Pass - the Applicant has answered yes to the question AND provided coherent evidence in support of its answer.
Pending - the Applicant has answered no to a question BUT has confirmed in its supporting evidence that it will undertake any necessary measures within 12 months of achieving certification to enable it to answer yes at the point of its annual recertification.
Fail - where the Applicant has been unable to answer yes to a question AND has been unable to provide the necessary assurances in e(2) above. Applicants cannot become certified if any question is marked Fail.
In the event the Statement is not completed to the satisfaction of the Operator, the Operator will return the Statement to the Applicant explaining what needs to be completed or addressed. The Applicant attends to these matters and resubmits its Statement when ready.
In the event of a dispute, the Complaints and Disputes Procedure will be followed.
Upon satisfactory completion of the Statement, the Operator confirms to the Applicant whether it will be awarded Provisional of Full certified status, on the following basis:
Provisional - where the organisation has not been able to answer yes to all the questions on its Statement but has undertaken to rectify any issues within 12 months so it is able to answer yes (with the appropriate evidence) not later than the first anniversary of its certification.
Full - where the applicant organisation has been able to answer yes to all the questions and provide appropriate supporting evidence.
At the point the Operator confirms that certified status will be awarded, the Applicant will:
Accept and sign the Licence
Pay the Certification Fee.
Once the Operator receives the signed Licence and Certification Fee, it will:
Publish the Applicant’s Statement on the Farm Data Principles website
Add the Applicant’s name to the register of certified organisations on the Farm Data Principles website, confirming its certified status
Send the Applicant:
A certificate confirming its certified status and the 12-month term of that status
Digital copies of the Scheme logo (demonstrating the Organisation’s certified status) and guidance on how it may be used.
The Operator has not been asked, and is not expected, to audit or verify the accuracy or honesty of any statements made in the Statement (other than pointing out any obvious errors). FDP believes that putting the Statement in the public domain through its publication on the Farm Data Principles website is sufficient to hold an organisation to account.
The Operator is authorised by FDP to invoice the Applicant for the annual Certification Fee, to receive the fee on behalf of FDP and to handle renewals, reminders and enquiries.
The Certification Fee amount(s) shall be published and updated from time to time on the Farm Data Principles website.
Before the 12-month term of certification is complete, the Operator will send a reminder to the Applicant confirming that it must resubmit a Statement to be considered for recertification. The Operator shall review the Statement once completed in line with the procedure outlined above.
Where an Applicant:
Has previously attained Provisional certified status in the first year, it shall not achieve recertification unless it is able to be conferred Full certified status thereafter
Has already attained Full certified status it cannot be recertified with Provisional status
If during its term of certified status a matter is brought to the attention of FDP that might challenge or impact the certified status of the Applicant, then the Complaints and Disputes Procedure will be followed, the outcome of which the Applicant must accept (in line with the terms of the Licence).
In the event the outcome of the Complaints and Disputes Procedure is the Applicant’s removal or withdrawal from the Scheme then neither FDP nor the Operator shall publish or make any comment or statement about the Applicant’s removal or withdrawal from the Scheme unless legally required to do so or reasonably required to uphold the reputation of FDP or the Scheme. The Applicant’s name and published Statement will be removed from the Farm Data Principles certification register.
The Applicant may reapply for certified status on the basis it has:
Not be notified of its permanent exclusion from the Scheme
Addressed any issues arising from the Complaints and Disputes procedure
Met the requirements of Full certified status upon reapplying.
A self-declared Data Handler’s Statement (“Statement”) is what demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to the Principles.
The process for certification is:
An organisation (“Applicant”) applies to become certified.
The Applicant receives a welcome pack containing links to:
Statement template to complete
Complaints and Disputes Procedure
Certification Licence Agreement (“Licence”)
The Applicant completes the Statement and submits it to the Operator.
The Operator reviews the Statement and checks it for completeness and intelligibility. This includes checking the Applicant has provided sufficient evidence in support of its yes/no answers.
The Operator marks each answer on the Statement as Pass, Pending or Fail on the following basis:
Pass - the Applicant has answered yes to the question AND provided coherent evidence in support of its answer.
Pending - the Applicant has answered no to a question BUT has confirmed in its supporting evidence that it will undertake any necessary measures within 12 months of achieving certification to enable it to answer yes at the point of its annual recertification.
Fail - where the Applicant has been unable to answer yes to a question AND has been unable to provide the necessary assurances in e(2) above. Applicants cannot become certified if any question is marked Fail.
In the event the Statement is not completed to the satisfaction of the Operator, the Operator will return the Statement to the Applicant explaining what needs to be completed or addressed. The Applicant attends to these matters and resubmits its Statement when ready.
In the event of a dispute, the Complaints and Disputes Procedure will be followed.
Upon satisfactory completion of the Statement, the Operator confirms to the Applicant whether it will be awarded Provisional of Full certified status, on the following basis:
Provisional - where the organisation has not been able to answer yes to all the questions on its Statement but has undertaken to rectify any issues within 12 months so it is able to answer yes (with the appropriate evidence) not later than the first anniversary of its certification.
Full - where the applicant organisation has been able to answer yes to all the questions and provide appropriate supporting evidence.
At the point the Operator confirms that certified status will be awarded, the Applicant will:
Accept and sign the Licence
Pay the Certification Fee.
Once the Operator receives the signed Licence and Certification Fee, it will:
Publish the Applicant’s Statement on the Farm Data Principles website
Add the Applicant’s name to the register of certified organisations on the Farm Data Principles website, confirming its certified status
Send the Applicant:
A certificate confirming its certified status and the 12-month term of that status
Digital copies of the Scheme logo (demonstrating the Organisation’s certified status) and guidance on how it may be used.
The Operator has not been asked, and is not expected, to audit or verify the accuracy or honesty of any statements made in the Statement (other than pointing out any obvious errors). FDP believes that putting the Statement in the public domain through its publication on the Farm Data Principles website is sufficient to hold an organisation to account.
The Operator is authorised by FDP to invoice the Applicant for the annual Certification Fee, to receive the fee on behalf of FDP and to handle renewals, reminders and enquiries.
The Certification Fee amount(s) shall be published and updated from time to time on the Farm Data Principles website.
Before the 12-month term of certification is complete, the Operator will send a reminder to the Applicant confirming that it must resubmit a Statement to be considered for recertification. The Operator shall review the Statement once completed in line with the procedure outlined above.
Where an Applicant:
Has previously attained Provisional certified status in the first year, it shall not achieve recertification unless it is able to be conferred Full certified status thereafter
Has already attained Full certified status it cannot be recertified with Provisional status
If during its term of certified status a matter is brought to the attention of FDP that might challenge or impact the certified status of the Applicant, then the Complaints and Disputes Procedure will be followed, the outcome of which the Applicant must accept (in line with the terms of the Licence).
In the event the outcome of the Complaints and Disputes Procedure is the Applicant’s removal or withdrawal from the Scheme then neither FDP nor the Operator shall publish or make any comment or statement about the Applicant’s removal or withdrawal from the Scheme unless legally required to do so or reasonably required to uphold the reputation of FDP or the Scheme. The Applicant’s name and published Statement will be removed from the Farm Data Principles certification register.
The Applicant may reapply for certified status on the basis it has:
Not be notified of its permanent exclusion from the Scheme
Addressed any issues arising from the Complaints and Disputes procedure
Met the requirements of Full certified status upon reapplying.
A self-declared Data Handler’s Statement (“Statement”) is what demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to the Principles.
The process for certification is:
An organisation (“Applicant”) applies to become certified.
The Applicant receives a welcome pack containing links to:
Statement template to complete
Complaints and Disputes Procedure
Certification Licence Agreement (“Licence”)
The Applicant completes the Statement and submits it to the Operator.
The Operator reviews the Statement and checks it for completeness and intelligibility. This includes checking the Applicant has provided sufficient evidence in support of its yes/no answers.
The Operator marks each answer on the Statement as Pass, Pending or Fail on the following basis:
Pass - the Applicant has answered yes to the question AND provided coherent evidence in support of its answer.
Pending - the Applicant has answered no to a question BUT has confirmed in its supporting evidence that it will undertake any necessary measures within 12 months of achieving certification to enable it to answer yes at the point of its annual recertification.
Fail - where the Applicant has been unable to answer yes to a question AND has been unable to provide the necessary assurances in e(2) above. Applicants cannot become certified if any question is marked Fail.
In the event the Statement is not completed to the satisfaction of the Operator, the Operator will return the Statement to the Applicant explaining what needs to be completed or addressed. The Applicant attends to these matters and resubmits its Statement when ready.
In the event of a dispute, the Complaints and Disputes Procedure will be followed.
Upon satisfactory completion of the Statement, the Operator confirms to the Applicant whether it will be awarded Provisional of Full certified status, on the following basis:
Provisional - where the organisation has not been able to answer yes to all the questions on its Statement but has undertaken to rectify any issues within 12 months so it is able to answer yes (with the appropriate evidence) not later than the first anniversary of its certification.
Full - where the applicant organisation has been able to answer yes to all the questions and provide appropriate supporting evidence.
At the point the Operator confirms that certified status will be awarded, the Applicant will:
Accept and sign the Licence
Pay the Certification Fee.
Once the Operator receives the signed Licence and Certification Fee, it will:
Publish the Applicant’s Statement on the Farm Data Principles website
Add the Applicant’s name to the register of certified organisations on the Farm Data Principles website, confirming its certified status
Send the Applicant:
A certificate confirming its certified status and the 12-month term of that status
Digital copies of the Scheme logo (demonstrating the Organisation’s certified status) and guidance on how it may be used.
The Operator has not been asked, and is not expected, to audit or verify the accuracy or honesty of any statements made in the Statement (other than pointing out any obvious errors). FDP believes that putting the Statement in the public domain through its publication on the Farm Data Principles website is sufficient to hold an organisation to account.
The Operator is authorised by FDP to invoice the Applicant for the annual Certification Fee, to receive the fee on behalf of FDP and to handle renewals, reminders and enquiries.
The Certification Fee amount(s) shall be published and updated from time to time on the Farm Data Principles website.
Before the 12-month term of certification is complete, the Operator will send a reminder to the Applicant confirming that it must resubmit a Statement to be considered for recertification. The Operator shall review the Statement once completed in line with the procedure outlined above.
Where an Applicant:
Has previously attained Provisional certified status in the first year, it shall not achieve recertification unless it is able to be conferred Full certified status thereafter
Has already attained Full certified status it cannot be recertified with Provisional status
If during its term of certified status a matter is brought to the attention of FDP that might challenge or impact the certified status of the Applicant, then the Complaints and Disputes Procedure will be followed, the outcome of which the Applicant must accept (in line with the terms of the Licence).
In the event the outcome of the Complaints and Disputes Procedure is the Applicant’s removal or withdrawal from the Scheme then neither FDP nor the Operator shall publish or make any comment or statement about the Applicant’s removal or withdrawal from the Scheme unless legally required to do so or reasonably required to uphold the reputation of FDP or the Scheme. The Applicant’s name and published Statement will be removed from the Farm Data Principles certification register.
The Applicant may reapply for certified status on the basis it has:
Not be notified of its permanent exclusion from the Scheme
Addressed any issues arising from the Complaints and Disputes procedure
Met the requirements of Full certified status upon reapplying.
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